Library Services and Spaces
How Do I?
FAQ Library topics: how to access library resource, find an article, recommend a book or journal, find information about H-index, request materials from storage, determine which journal to submit an article, make a donation to the WHSC Library, and reserve a room.
Frequently Used Links
Recommended databases for clinical, health-related, and scientific literature
Services for Students
Learn about course reserves, training by request, personalized services, how to search for articles, and how to find article full texts.
Services for Faculty and Staff
Learn about course reserves, document delivery of print materials and designating a proxy, H-Index and Publications Reports, Interlibrary Loan, personalized services, Systematic Reviews, and Training offered upon request.
Reserving a Room
Links and policies for reserving a study or group meeting room.
Borrowing and Course Reserves
Borrowing policies, Interlibrary Loan, and requesting items from storage.
Computing, Printing, & Photocopying
Information regarding computer use, laptop borrowing, and wireless printing and photocopying and scanning.
Software Available at WHSC Library
Information about Genomic and Proteomic Analysis Tools and Specialized Software available.
Historical Collections
Guide to the archival collections of the WHSC Library and how to access them
Visiting the Library
Essentials for vising the library: location and directions, hours, physical access information for library users with disabilities, services for library users with disabilities, animal policy, retirees, and non-Emory visitors.
Research Guides
Topics such as EndNote, IACUC Searching and Resources, LGBTQIA+ Health Resources, Nursing and Medical Resources and more are covered in depth.